Apple's next big media event will be held on October 4th, where freshly minted CEO Tim Cook is expected to unveil theiPhone 5. Sources close to the situation say Cook will be the main presenter at the event, with execs Phil Schiller, Scott Forstall and Eddy Cue playing supporting roles. This would mark the first time that Cook has actually led an Apple event, adding an extra wrinkle of significance to an already highly anticipated occasion. The site's sources went on to say that the next-gen iPhone will be available for purchase "within a few weeks" of the announcement, The exact date of its unveiling is still subject to change.


Sure, OS X Lion borrowed many of its design cues from Apple's iOS platform, but now users of jailbroken iPhone and iPod Touch devices may bring much of the desktop Mac's functionality onto their handset with Lion Ultimatum. In essence, this beta project is a theme for Dreamboard (which is required software), but it's rather far-reaching, with a functional file manager and Finder menus, a scrollable dock and draggable windows, along with Stacks, Launchpad, Mission Control and Dashboard. There's also a customizable lock screen that provides access to the dialer, email and messages. Even the keyboard can be modified to resemble the design of MacBook Pro or the traditional Apple Keyboard, thanks to integration with ColorKeyboard.


Install Instructions:

1) Open Cydia
2) Manage Sources
3) Edit/Add fnetdesigns.com/cydia/repo
4)Install the Theme Outlet (Found in the "Changes" section)
5)Go to homescreen and open Theme Outlet
6) Browse the the Theme and DL from there.
7) After selecting it in Dreamboard it will walk you through the steps to set it up.

***Do not forget to install the additional apps needed for the full experience***


UPDATE: 9/20/11 The download site is down do to overload. I am also trying to find out where you can send donations to, from what i understand if you donate you will get a download link for the software. I will keep you posted.

UPDATE: 9/21/11 Here is a picture of the app downloaded from cydia. Still trying to contact the creator to get a trial.

IMG 0607

Verizon 4G LTE Video Network Speed Test (Video)

Posted by DjRaz55 Sunday, September 18, 2011 0 comments

Verizon 4g lte




At Verizon we've been testing our network for years, but our mission here is to demonstrate exactly how Verizon's 4G LTE is truly different. So, we put it to the test. See all the results here, and keep checking back for more. Have fun.


Judging from the clandestine screenshot you see above, it most certainly seems like that's the case. A helpful tipster sent us this tasty morsel, from AT&T's internal system, listing the "iPhone 4s White" beneath a handful of already familiar Apple handsets. Could it be? Is Cupertino actually planning on bringing a white version of its next iPhone out at launch? We're afraid only time will tell.

Apple tops J.D. Power customer satisfaction survey

Posted by DjRaz55 Saturday, September 10, 2011 0 comments


Not only is Apple shipping the most smartphones, it's also shipping the best smartphones -- if you believe the stats in J.D. Power and Associates' latest US customer satisfaction survey. It gave the iPhone a score of 838, versus HTC's handsets in second place with 801 and an industry average of 788. Sammy got a disappointing 777, but we guess it might have fared better if the Galaxy S II had been quicker to cross the Atlantic. Hapless RIM got shunted into fifth place, having come second in 2010.

J.D. Power and Associates Reports: The Right Blend of Design and Technology is Critical to Creating an Exceptional User Experience with Smartphones and Traditional Mobile Devices

Apple Ranks Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Smartphone Manufacturers, While Samsung Ranks Highest among Traditional Mobile Phone Manufacturers

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.: 8 September 2011 - Overall satisfaction with smartphones and traditional mobile phones is considerably higher for devices that are a specific size and weight and are equipped with the latest technological advancements, such as high-quality display screens, faster processing speeds, longer battery life and touch screen capabilities, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2011 U.S. Wireless Smartphone Customer Satisfaction StudySM-Volume 2 and the J.D. Power and Associates 2011 U.S. Wireless Traditional Mobile Phone Satisfaction StudySM-Volume 2, both released today.

Satisfaction with both smartphones and traditional or "feature" phones is greatly impacted by the physical design and dimensions of the device. For example, satisfaction ratings are highest (8.1 on a 10-point scale) when the weight of the smartphone device does not exceed 5 ounces. In comparison, satisfaction averages 7.6 for smartphone devices that are 5 ounces or heavier. The same scenario holds true for feature phones, for which satisfaction with the weight of the device peaks between 3 and 3.5 ounces, and drops considerably when the feature phone weighs 4 ounces or more.

The width and thickness of the smartphone device are also critical in maximizing the ownership experience, and echo the old adage that "thinner is better" holds true. Overall physical design satisfaction is highest (852 on a 1,000-point scale) for smartphones that are less than 0.45 inches wide. In comparison, satisfaction averages 783 for smartphones that are 0.65 inches wide or wider.

Technology advancements also impact the experience of mobile devices in a number of areas. For example, touch screen-only smartphones generate considerably higher satisfaction with ease of operation (817 points) than either QWERTY-only based devices or those that have both a touch screen and QWERTY functions (785 and 782 points, respectively).

In addition, faster processing speeds, higher computer chip bit rates and the most advanced display screens (such as Super AMOLED vs. older LCD-based screens) all add significantly to user satisfaction. Even the number of megapixels found in camera-enabled mobile devices influences the ownership experience. In general, the higher the number of megapixels, the higher the satisfaction with camera picture and video quality. However, devices with at least 5 megapixels achieve nearly as high a satisfaction score as those smartphones with 8 megapixels or more.

"It's not unexpected that satisfaction is higher for devices that have new technological advances or features," said Kirk Parsons, senior director of wireless services at J.D. Power and Associates. "Having the right combination of physical dimensions and operating functions and features for both smartphones and traditionally equipped devices is key to creating an exceptional ownership experience with each type of wireless device."

These two studies have been updated to measure customer satisfaction with traditional wireless handsets and smartphones among owners who have used their current mobile phone for less than one year by examining several key factors. In order of importance, the key factors of overall satisfaction with traditional wireless handsets are: performance (31%); ease of operation (24%); physical design (24%); and features (20%). For smartphones, the key factors are: performance (35%); ease of operation (24%); features (21%); and physical design (20%).

For a sixth consecutive time, Apple ranks highest among manufacturers of smartphones in customer satisfaction. Apple achieves a score of 838 and performs well in all factors, particularly in ease of operation and features. HTC (801) follows Apple in the smartphone rankings.

Samsung ranks highest in overall customer satisfaction with traditional handsets with a score of 718. Samsung performs well in three factors: performance, ease of operation and features. LG (717), Sanyo (716) and Sony Ericsson (709) follow Samsung in the traditional handset rankings.

The studies also find the following key wireless handset usage patterns:
• The price of a traditional wireless mobile phone continues to decline and averages $71 in 2011, compared with an average of $81 at the beginning of 2009. The decline is primarily due to discounts provided by handset providers and wireless service carriers to incentivize sales. Currently, 42 percent of owners report having received a free mobile phone when subscribing to a wireless service.

• Mobile applications continue to enhance the smartphone user experience. More than two-thirds of owners say they have downloaded games and social networking applications to their device. More than one-half (54%) say they have downloaded entertainment-oriented applications, while 52 percent indicate having downloaded travel software, such as maps and weather applications. This indicates that smartphone owners are continuing to integrate their device usage into both their business and personal lives.

• Customers are highly satisfied with 4G-capable devices. Satisfaction among customers using 4G-capable phones averages 819, compared with 786 among customers using phones with 3G capability. Owners of 4G devices are also more active in terms of calling, texting and browsing the Internet.

The 2011 U.S. Wireless Smartphone Customer Satisfaction Study-Volume 2 and the 2011 U.S. Wireless Traditional Mobile Phone Satisfaction Study-Volume 2 are based on experiences reported by 6,898 smartphone owners and 8,775 traditional mobile phone owners. Both studies were fielded between January and June 2011.

For more information on customer satisfaction with wireless service, wireless retail sales, cell phone handsets, customer care, prepaid wireless service and business wireless service, please visit JDPower.com.

iOS 5 beta 7 goes live for developers

Posted by DjRaz55 Friday, September 2, 2011 0 comments

Well, you can't say Cupertino isn't being consistent. Just like last time, Apple's gone and released a new beta of iOS 5, less than two weeks after the last one. Not much of interest pops out of build 9A5313E's release notes, but we'd presume it squashes a fair share of bugs. Hit up settings to begin the roughly 70MB OTA update, or test those browser downloading skills at the dev portal linked below. And while you're there, don't forget to snag updated versions of Xcode, iTunes, and an updated firmware for the second-generation AppleTV. Peep a screenshot of the OTA after the break and let us know how you fare in comments.


iTunes 10.4.1 Safe for Jailbreakers

Posted by DjRaz55 Friday, August 26, 2011 0 comments


Apple updated iTunes to version 10.4.1. Apple initially released iTunes 10.4 to bring full screen support in Lion to its media software.

Version 10.4.1 of iTunes doesn’t bring much but the usual bug fixes. We have the full change log below…

  • Fixes a problem where the media keys on some third-party keyboards work inconsistently with iTunes
  • Addresses issues with adding artwork to songs and videos
  • Resolves an issue which may cause iTunes to become unresponsive when purchasing an HD movie
  • Fixes a problem where iTunes may take longer than expected to open after waking your Mac from sleep
  • Addresses issues with VoiceOver support

Can confirm that it is safe for jailbroken devices.


Well folks... looks like we're finally getting some meat to all the iPhone 5/4S rumors that have been swirling around for months. We got some interesting news from a vigilant tipster today: beginning August 22nd, Telefonica will begin scaling back its current iPhone stock through September 12th. According to the source, this three week program is a move that "will of course prepare us for the launch of a new smart phone." While the date next month should sound familiar, we've heard recently that the launch will actually take place sometime in October. Either way, a move like this is usually a telling sign that points directly to a new model launch. Keep your eyes pinned here, and prepare yourself, as it appears Mr. Jobs may have something planned for the fall.


Earlier this year, Verizon CEO Dan Mead all but confirmed that an LTE Apple device would be making its way to Verizon. Eventually. And no 2011 Apple rumor spattering would be complete without at least a casual mention of the high-speed 4G network. Now, BGR claims to have received an internal iOS test build from a major carrier, revealing a property list file for LTE. This of course doesn't guarantee that Apple will be shipping an LTE iPhone flavor later this year, but that it at least remains a possibility. Still, an October iPhone launch would fall nicely in line with recent confirmation that AT&T will be releasing an LTE smartphone in "late 2011," and 4G compatibility could definitely explain Cupertino's holdup in announcing the iPhone 4's successor. So, will you be flying through the wireless web at lightning-fast speed later this year? Hopefully we need not wait much longer to find out.

Facebook Security ALERT!!!

Posted by DjRaz55 Wednesday, August 10, 2011 0 comments



Facebook has quietly changed something! Take a look at your URL address (the top box on your screen.) If you see "http" instead of "https" you DO NOT have a secure session & can be HACKED. Go to Account - Account Settings - Security (top left corner) - Secure Browsing - Check the box (Brows Facebook on a secure connection) - Save Changes. FB has automatically set it on the non-secure setting! Do your friends a huge favor, copy & re-post!

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Want something? Need something? Need to know how to do something that Apple, AT&T, or other companies may not want you to know? If you answered yes to any of these, your in the right spot... I prefer to stay anonymous as this could effect my paying job. So as far as everyone knows.. I am DJRaz55, which is me. Don't see what you need, feel free to email me. Email DJRaz55